Restorative-Assemble-Produce (RAP)

The youth and families in our Restore Assemble Produce program consist primarily of those within the BIPOC community at Mill Creek Middle School and High School level or ages 12-16. Our services provide a transformative racial healing process that eliminates racial trauma and disproportionate exclusionary discipline practices for BIPOC students which includes the input and voices of BIPOC parents and youth that creates equitable policy and systems change. This process includes providing professional development racism training to school staff and the introduction and implementation of equitable restorative practices as a norm for school systems. R.A.P. serves the parents through our parent engagement strategy of Take Back Our Kids parent engagement that supports parents as advocates for their youth.

Our geographic area is Kent, WA which has been described in the Brookings Institute book, “Confronting Suburban Poverty”, as the primary example of what suburban poverty looks like in America; City data reported Blacks, Hispanics, live at the highest poverty rate; Over 52% of students are on Free and Reduced Lunch. Data from the Civil Rights Data Collection for Mill Creek Middle School in Kent reported that Black and Hispanic students received suspensions nearly two times that of White and Asian students.

School Partners:

(Kent Public School District)

  • Mill Creek Middle School
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